Mon CV anglais

Publié le par Cécile Guillaume

Female, single
Date of birth: 20 years old, 05/05/1986
Nationality: French
Ø      May 2005: CILOVA (Company of products and services related to housing)
Compiègne, France. Internship in the legal department:                    
                        * Took part in allocations of housing
                        * Attended service meetings, and an inventory of fixtures of exit
                        * Studied files
Ø      January 2004: Distributed advertising flyers for the Insurance Company MMA, Compiègne
Ø      August 2003: Grape harvests Colmar, France
Ø      Since 2000: Baby-Sitting
Ø      Since 2005: BBA of management + preparation for Business Schools in
      The Catholic University of Lille, France
Ø      2004: Baccalauréat in Economics (equivalent to an A LEVEL) and European section
in Lycée Pierre D’Ailly, Compiègne (High School)
Ø      Languages:          * French: native language
                                    * English: written, spoken and read, fluent thanks to many linguistic stays:
       § 2004 : United States (San Diego, California)
§      2002 : United States (Raleigh, North Carolina)
§      2002, 1999, 1998 : United Kingdom (Bath, Halifax, London)
                                    * German: academic
Ø      Computer skills: Windows, Office, creation of a professional weblog
Modern dance
Reading (Amélie Nothomb, Bernard Werber)
Travelling (USA, UK, Germany)
References available upon request
Mrs. Kokanoski Marie-Christine, English teacher, High School Pierre d’Ailly Compiègne

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